Monday, August 22, 2011


i've felt the strongest desire in the past few months to really focus on yoga. something has opened up inside of me. something is craving a path. a strong, well-trodden path to simplicity, happiness, right living. and while i am certainly a christian, something about this particular path helps me to see it and feel in a way that nothing else can. if that is wrong, so be it.

but i don't believe it's wrong. i believe it's very, very right.

i have tried, in my own feeble way, to dedicate myself to practicing yoga every day. i fail, of course. kids, sickness, work, fatigue, sheer laziness. on the days i don't practice it's evident- my body aches, i'm anxious, my mind gets stuck.

read this article at yoga journal and wow. that's me, my thought processes up and down. (i suppose it's all of us). the self doubt. the bad habits. the snowball of anxiety that happens when i let my mind loose.

so that leads me back to yoga- a new samskara. a new method. a new path. a new routine. a new groove in my brain to give me access to calm, reason, sensitivity.

i have practiced yoga on and off for years. but it's never resonated like this. never been such a key to controlling my worry, antsiness and general CRAZY. i'm just glad i have it now and have a family that supports me with it.

it really is all the same. breathe. reflect. pray. reflect. a big open heart of love and caring.

sweet harmony.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

how to make a mud pie




mud (dirt + water)
cake pan
1 crazy kid
1 equally crazy mother

squish mud into pan. voila!

please note: crazy mother will most likely need to hose off crazy child after completing the mud pie.


Saturday, August 20, 2011

this house

this house spoke to me the first time we saw it. it was just beautiful, big and warm. i fell in love. and i think it fell in love with us.


not to say the house hasn't been a challenge- ancient furnace, faulty wiring, leaking roof. the list goes on. it has definitely taught us patience. and reinforced to me that you have to take the good with the bad and sometimes the "bad" isn't really all that bad.

this house makes me want to create. it's a peaceful space with great light. we have a lovely lawn with mature trees and plants. something is always going on- inside and out.

sitting on our patio, curling up by the fire, lounging in bed with the windows open on a sunny saturday morning- i love this house almost as much as the family it holds.